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Benefits of Living in a Healthy Community

Ever considered how your neighbor, your gym, or even your phone could make a substantial impact on your health? The people around you and the community you live in can affect several aspects of your life. In addition, the digital community you build can have just as much of a positive impact on your life as those who physically surround you. Read on to learn about the benefits of living in a healthy community.

In Creating Healthy Communities, Healthy Homes, Healthy People: Initiating a Research Agenda on the Built Environment and Public Health, the authors state that “human-modified places such as homes, schools, workplaces, parks, industrial areas, farms, roads and highways— are our most important habitat.” These are all various components of a community, which can stem from the house you live in, the school you go to in your district, or the gym that you use close by.

Here are 5 ways in which living in a healthy community can impact your life.

1. Better Physical Health

Living in a community that allows you to have good access to medical care, wellness amenities, and healthy foods (depending on the supermarkets and farmers markets nearby!) boosts your physical health.

The All of Us Research Program’s mission is to create easier access for diverse communities so that they can receive good medical care and preventative treatment. Through All of Us’ extensive research in underrepresented communities, it is able to create personalized care and preventative treatments for those in every community.


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