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Vipingo Glamor – How a small village became the most luxurious Estate in the coastal region

Vipingo, a bustling alive and a cosmopolitan modern estate in Kilifi county along the coastal strip of Kenya has become the new face of luxurious homesteads of high end personalities in the region. The small sprouting estate next to the shore of the ocean has already gone way better than other known luxurious estates in the region giving it the best share of explanation on how investors are parading on its perimeters.

As a relatively small coastal village lying almost 30 Kilometres North of Mombasa, Vipingo has turned out to be a key landmark in style and modern construction that induces a lavish style in the same.

The area which consist mainly of small Swahili villages and furnished residential that overlooks the beach has been an attraction to many tourists coming to visit the coast.

Kenya has been known for many years to be the hub of international tourists in the entire Eastern Africa. Considering the fact that, it’s coastal strip has had a reputable history of early settlements and initial conquests, most of the historic artifacts have been taken care of here. This among the beautiful scenes of the ocean and communities that are accomodative to any visitor has made the coastal strip of Kenya be the number one choice of local investors.

The Shamba Kuruwitu, Vipingo.


Vipingo Area, which has been under development with some real estate firms has seen itself growing from scratch at a very unprecedented state, an agility that has made the previous honors in prestigious areas in Kenya such as Nyali and Diani go way lower in preference for celebrities and people of class.

The area which prided if two famous natural beaches of Vipingo and Kuruwitu beach, gives a breeze of silence and tranquility for people who need some self time. Unlike Nyali where many high end people used to hail , the area has turned into a business locality where tall buildings are replacing the ancient prestigious bungalows.

According to Erastus Ndubi, who has been a sculptor of wood home decor along Links road in Nyali for seven years, Nyali area had had the prestige for the longest time in the region.

“You could not come to Nyali, if you are just an ordinary person. Vehicles that used to run this road I swear it is a miracle things have changed,” said Ndubi.

Ndubi says that in the last quarter of the decade, many investors had stormed nyali and began building storey buildings, whilst the original settlers had preferred on having low houses for the sake of their privacy.

Vipingo, The best place to buy land and build your dream home.


“Some have already gone to Vipingo, I have heard the area is so luxurious and I have a friend who works in one of the residential property there, the experience there is quite remarkable if you need solace.”

As of Diani, the area is only known for its good scenery that only attracts tourists. Vipingo has managed to create a symbiotic relation between the locals and investors creating a cool arena for tourists to visit. This mutualism has managed to kickstart the economic barometer of the area, as the index hits on modernization with acute lavish lifestyle.

Among the most important subjects that have made the area if economic elevation are an isolated and important pockets of coastal forest, providing an important sanctuary for many coastal forest species of flora and fauna. The forest meets with white sandy beaches, and old coral cliffs and on spring high tides the indian ocean laps at the feet of this valuable, yet threatened ecosystem.

Old tombs and mosques can be found in and amongst this forest, and other areas of Vipingo – and local tales of spirits and superstition add an eerie sense of an age gone by.

Recently – a large development has taken place a few kilometres inland from the beach on the ridgeline that overlooks the sisal plantations and out to the ocean. Vipingo Ridge is a modern and stylish development that includes an 18 hole golf course, and residential houses.

In Kilifi County, fishing and tourism have always been the key economic activities. The county, with a population of around 1.5 million, is one of Kenya’s best holiday getaways.

Real estate developers such as Centum have changed Kilifi into a haven, shifting it from being just a tourist destination for the end of year holidays to a place where people can invest and call home.

The Shamba Developments

What was believed to be a hoax and a money splashing getaway by local investors is now reaping as prices of land shoot to the highest degree, as the economic standard of the area continue to influence the treasury budget of Kilifi county a greater deal.

Mombasa, Kenya.

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